RMI ( Responsible Minerals Initiativ )
PT. Belitung Industri Sejahtera fully supports and committed to making
sure our supply chains are free of armed conflicts and serious human right abuse.
Our policy is to avoid the use of any natural ore of tin which directly or indirectly finances or benefit
the armed group in the conflict-affected area in the Democratic Republic of Congo
or adjoining countries
We fully supports the objectives of the US Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act of 2010 which defines Conflict Minerals and Metals, committed effort to reduce or end the violent
in DRC and it's adjoining countries. We will collaborate with any industry group
that have same pace of this humanitarian goals, committed to support data/information
for due diligent in Conflict free Smelter Program initiated by RMI.
Source Materials only come from suppliers who have a good reputation, have an IUP (Mining Permit)
and have complied with the regulations of the Indonesia government
and have adequate due diligence in relation to the Know Your Counterparty (KYC) protocol.
We declare to the international community, that conflict minerals has never been used
in any parts of PT BELITUNG INDUSTRI SEJAHTERA supply chain and products.
As such, all our products are conflict-free.
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera will act on this commitment :
- Have a management system for OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible SupplyChains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High- Risk Areas (CAHRAs)
- Cooperate with customers to comply with applicable legislation's requirement such as The U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Customer Protection Act (July 2010}, which encourages legitimate, conflict-free trades of minerals sourced from The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Great Lakes Region of Africa.
- Neither tolerate nor by any mean profit, contribute to assisting or facilitate the commission by any party of:
a. Any form of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
b. Any form of forced or compulsory labour, worst forms of labour child
c. Other gross human rights violations and abuses like sexual violence
d. War crimes or other violations of severe international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide
- Not tolerate any direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups through the extraction, transport, trade, handling or export of minerals
- Not tolerate any direct or indirect support private security which is conducting illegal activities
- Not tolerate any bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of minerals such as money laundering and non-payment of taxes and royalties to governments
- Publicity communicate our ethical and sustainable sourcing policy to our suppliers, customer, employees and investors
- Prohibited procurement for secondary tin in any forms.
- Directors and Managers are authorized to oversee policy and the control structure, conduct regular internal checks and ensure due diligent is executed soundly.
1. Commpany Information
PT. Belitung Industri Sejahtera is a tin mining, smelter and refinery inBelitung-Indonesia which established in 2005 with smelter ID isCID001421 Located at Sungailiat - Bangka Island, the company wasestablished to meet the demand of high quality export oriented of Tin.PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera started its operational process in 2011 withbusiness concentration on processing and refining tin ore into puresticks (Ingot) with specification refers to Permendag RI No 53 of2015.
2. RMAP Assessment Summary
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera has undergone a RMAP assessment on :
Date : July 20 -21, 2022
Conducted by : UL Responsible
SourcingName of Auditor : Syamsul
WardiAudit Period : 28 September 2017 – 28 June 2022
The assessment summary report is public and available at:https://www.belitungindustrisejahtera.com
3. Commpany Supplay Chain Policy
To avoid the use of conflict minerals, which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups and/or involve other serious human right abuses in high-risk and conflict-affected regions, PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera has developed a supply chain policy. The supply chain policy is fully aligned with the third edition of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas(OECDGuidance).
It covers all of the risks identified in Annex II of the OECD Guidanceand its geographic scope is global. PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera iscommitted to addressing any Annex II risks if identified. The policywas reviewed and approved by senior management, which committedto support its implementation. The policy has been widelydisseminated to relevant stakeholders (suppliers, customers,employees etc.) and it is available on the company website at WWW.belitungindustrisejahtera.com
4. Commpany Mangement System
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera follows through on its commitments in thesupply chain policy and has developed an internal procedure for duediligence with the following aspects:
- The commpany's CEO is responsible to oversee the due diligence program and risk management design and implementation.
- The commpant has assigned a due diligence program manager to coordinate the work of the relevant department (including the pruchasing departement, Quality Department, Production Department and Warehouse management Department) to ensure each department follows up on their and responsibilities to implement the due diligence program and report any red flags and potential risk identifed.
- The commpany conducts due diligence management system training once a year for key staff from all relevant department required in due diligence program. if there is an update of the program the commpany conducts addtional training as necessary.
Record keeping System
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera requires that all records relating to the duediligence program are maintained at least for five years and that theybe properly used and safely stored in our online company database.
5. Risk Identification
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera has a robust process to identify risks in thesupply chain. Referring to the risks in the company’s supply chainpolicy, the company established a procedure to identify CAHRAs. Theprocedure includes the resources used, the criteria to define a“conflict-affected and high-risk” area as well as the frequency withwhich our determination is reviewed. The company fulfill the KnowYour Supplier (KYS) process in that all of the producers areRMI/RMAP compliant.
6. Risk Identification
PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera continues to carry out risk analysis anddetermine the steps to be taken if an uncontrolled incident/conditionoccurs in the form of risk mitigation. The risk mitigation that will beimplemented is in the form of making procedures for procuring rawmaterials and understanding workers and partners, establishing goodcommunication with the government to anticipate if there is amismatch in resource management. In addition, PT Belitung Industri Sejahterea also implements evaluations and compliance with a list of regulations that areclosely related to existing business processes.